Virtual Sessions

Convenient Home Therapy

Virtual Sessions or “Telehealth” includes the practice of health care delivery, diagnosis, and treatment consultation using interactive video, audio, and/or data communications. For Telehealth sessions, we will be connecting using a system that is encrypted to the federal standard and HIPAA compatible. It will be your responsibility to choose a secure location to interact with technology-assisted media and to be aware that family, friends, employers, co-workers, and strangers could either overhear our communications or have access to the technology that you are interacting with. Additionally, it's important not to record any Telehealth sessions. Telehealth sessions do come with some additional challenges, we could encounter a technological failure. The most reliable backup plan is to contact one another via telephone if our virtual session fails. I will have a phone with me, and I will provide that phone number at our sessions. Telehealth sessions and services are considered equivalent to non-Telehealth sessions and services.

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